Flowing from me in the intimacy of the moment
Is the force that lives within the shared silence.
A silence alive with the compassion we seek;
A sliver of timelessness poetically fleeting.

Language lives at the boundary of this existence,
An utterance of the inner self seeking a home.
Without its engagement, an impossible wholeness;
A wholeness without a journey to freedom.

Sitting there, reflecting, gives connection without.
Drawing from the deep inner tribal hurts we share
Precious feelings gasp and seek air to breath;
Often suppressed keeping selfhood complete.

Connect, connect, connect again silent truth
Release the free flowing utterances of my heart.
Gush, break, become complete in our words;
Find and repair the wounds we make each day.

Heal, heal, and heal again: Oh, silent truth speak.


David Scanlon – England – (1963 - )

Scanlon. D (2018) Poetry for Business : Continuing Conversations. The Foolish Poet Press, Wilmslow, England. FLEETING SLIVERS OF SILENCE. Page Number 55.
Drawing from the deep inner tribal hurts we share
Precious feelings gasp and seek air to breath;
Often suppressed keeping self-hood complete.

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