It is with sadness I wave you goodbye,
For you have taught me well loves joy.
Never will I weep, for with you I grew.

Growing a being beyond what one is,
A revealing of what one needs to become,
Was but a dream when we, in love, began.

Now seeing, in truth, what we both know
Gives even deeper meaning to our love,
Which has enabled this foolish heart.

Your physical form, now in eternal rest,
Is no longer finding words to shape the
Everyday goings-on of this new man;

Shaped and moulded in your image,
With my inner vulnerabilities laid bare,
Your voice rang through all my words.

It is within the form your words came
That I now honour and celebrate life:
Thank you and goodbye my dear love.

Fly now to those with a greater need,
Those who in turmoil fight and resist
Seeking and running, hither and thither

Restlessly devouring self and others
In the hurtful ways in which we all live.
Take your time, as we took our time.

For in your now eternal place of rest
Time stands still, as you taught me,
In those moments when we danced.

David Scanlon – England – (1963 - )

Scanlon. D (2018) Poetry For Life: Seeing Again. The Foolish Poet Press, Wilmslow, England. GOODBYE MY LOVE. Page Number 24.

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