Immortal spirit, voice of my fertility,
Light my flames with virile enthusiasm,
Transform into her words the cynicism
That punish peoples everyday vitality!

Look souls are flooding, filling me
With wisdom, echo’s, desires egotism
And you wake from merciless criticism
My soul; fatigued from shallow reality.

Your force genius, sacrosanct and august,
Shares divine warnings of what it is to forget,
A voiced companion, words loving and just.

You have my hand, a movement without regret,
And such hands angelic with a strength robust;
The Immortal spirit of senses she never forgets!

David Scanlon – England – (1963 – )

da Cruz e Sousa, J (2018) Collected Poems: New Translations: New Translations. The Foolish Poet Press, Wilmslow, Brazil. IMMORTAL SPIRIT. Page Number 15.


Espírito imortal que me fecundas
Com a chama dos viris entusiasmos,
Que transformas em gládios os sarcasmos
Para punir as multidões profundas!

Ó alma que transbordas, que me inundas
De brilhos, de ecos, de emoções, de pasmos
E fazes acordar de atros marasmos
Minh’alma, em tédios por charnecas fundas.

Força genial e sacrossanta e augusta,
Divino Alerta para o Esquecimento,
Voz companheira, carinhosa e justa.

Tens minha Mão, num doce movimento,
Sobre essa Mão angélica e robusta,
Espírito imortal do Sentimento!

João da Cruz e Sousa, – Chile – (1861 – 1898)

Junkes, L. (2008) ‘João da Cruz e Sousa, Obra Completa, org. de Lauro Junkes, ‘ Jaraguá do Sul: Avenida.

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