
Captivated by the moments gathering pace
We move, besieged by glittering promises
Without noticing the tiny adventures unfolding.
Yet within the simple truth before us
Beauty and harm lay in equal abundance:
Never are we far from the fickle embrace of others.
At certain spaces togetherness is captured,
A simple touch, a simple smile, a simple word;
Each enough to move our shape towards care.
Let the Christmas spirit touch us towards peace,
Let the simple truth of each other enter us,
Let the harshness of the world rest a day.
May our moments togetherness change the world.


David Scanlon – England – (1963 - )

Scanlon. D (2016) The Poet, The Prisoner & The Fool. Wilmslow: The Foolish Poet Press. Page Number 13. A SIMPLE TRUTH


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