I lie down in the long grass.
And I forgot how much I was taught.
What I was taught never gave me much warmth or cold,
What I was told never altered the form of a thing.
What they learned to see never touched my eyes.
What they were pointing to was never there; there was only ever what was there.

David Scanlon – England – (1963 – )

Pessoa, F. (2018) Poems of Alberto Caeiro. In Portuguese and translated to English by David Scanlon. The Foolish Poet Press, Wilmslow, Portugal. I LIE DOWN IN THE LONG GRASS. Page Number 61.

Deito-me ao comprido na erva.
E esqueço do quanto me ensinaram.
O que me ensinaram nunca me deu mais calor nem mais frio,
O que me disseram que havia nunca me alterou a forma de uma coisa.
O que me aprenderam a ver nunca tocou nos meus olhos.
O que me apontaram nunca estava ali: estava ali só o que ali estava.

Fernando Pessoa

Fernando Pessoa – Portugal – (1888 - 1935)

Caero, A.  (1919-35) [Lopes,T.R. (1990) ”Fragments Unpublished in Life – [Pessoa por Conhecer – Textos para um Novo Mapa].” Estampa: Lisboa.

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