There are those who step quietly,
Without the egoist pomp and ceremony
Alive in the attention grabbing vacuous noise:
Being present they heal and sooth;
Selflessly they give without receiving
Anything but the daily threat of harm.

There are those who step eagerly,
Without rushing to placate selfish needs
Alive in the consumer conscious grabbing tribe:
Being humble they stay and care;
Selflessly they wash without washing
Free the danger that devotion brings.

There are those who step freely,
Without the unconscious fear and drive
Alive in our everyday caring for those we love:
Selflessly they are humble and present;
Being present, as we are absent, they
Freely devote themselves to our care.

David Scanlon – England – (1963 - )

Scanlon. D (2020) Timeless Truths. The Foolish Poet Press, Wilmslow, England. THERE ARE THOSE WHO STEP FREELY. Page Number 999.

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