When all have power seeking ideology, what joins us,
Except the hatred of all others who have more power:
A self love overriding the human instinct of community;
…………..A oneness of a one language creating and breaking us,
…………..With the uniqueness of our onenesses trapping us all.
When all have a love seeking purpose, she joins us,
And moved beyond our hatred of self and others: power:
Eternal love everiding all in the human instinct of community:
…………..A oneness of a one language creating and making us,
…………..With the uniqueness of our onenesses freeing us all.
David Scanlon – England – (1963 - )
Scanlon. D (2020) Timeless Truths. The Foolish Poet Press, Wilmslow, England. ONENESS. Page Number 999.