The dreams of our lives create the drive,
Yet the fire that burns engulfs but a few.
Carried by the passion, heat consumes us;
Darkness and dust can lay cold in its wake.
Harnessing the passion risks total destruction,
Risks leaving those around in a dark place.
Better to have lived in the full bright of day
Than wallow in darkness too afraid to play!

Trust with life’s changes your light caresses,
Dimmed only slightly by the passing of time:
The flash now more distant fills the still void.
Held in memories body, warmed by the glow,
A spark of true spirit – ignited in the true flame,
Is preserved for the re-kindling from crying pain.
My flame burning stronger I now carry your gift
Knowing others now bask in your full radiant lift!


David Scanlon – England – (1963 - )

Scanlon. D (2018) Poetry for Business : Continuing Conversations. The Foolish Poet Press, Wilmslow, England. BURN BRIGHT. Page Number 44.

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