I spent the whole night, without sleep, seeing, without space, her mirage,
Then seeing her always in different ways I encountered her full visage.
I have thoughts with a memory of what she’s like when speaking of an age,
And in every thought she varies in accordance with her likeness.
Her love is thinking.

And I almost forgot to experience her love in just thinking of her image.
I’m not sure what I need, of this girl, and think nothing of this privilege.
I live in animated distractions: When I desire to encounter and envisage
I almost prefer that I don’t find her, so as not to have to leave our village.
I’m not sure what I need, nor do I want to know. I want to see with this sage.
I ask for nothing from anyone else, nor her, but seeing with kindness.
Her love is seeing.

Inspired by a poem of Fernando Pessoa – Passei toda a noite, sem dormir, vendo, sem espaço, a figura dela.

David Scanlon – England – (1963 - )

Scanlon. D (2018) The Poetry of Life: Seeing Again. The Foolish Poet Press, Wilmslow, England. HER LOVE IS THINKING AND SEEING. Page Number 2.

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